Site Documentation
Header Font: Oswald
Content Font: Helvetica
Image Sizes
Trainer Headshots - 350px by 350px
Secondary Page Images - 400px by 250px or 400px by 400px
Slider Image - 2000px by 600px
Managing Trainers
The Personal Trainer page images are managed by Envira Gallery. There is a gallery for each section listed on the page. To remove a Trainer from the page, you delete the image in the corresponding Envira Gallery. To edit a trainer's title and description on the Personal Trainer page, you do that in Envira Gallery as well.
Here is a video that shows how to delete and edit a Trainers information.
Here is video that shows you how to delete a trainer from one gallery add add them to a another Gallery.
Add a new Personal Trainer
Here are the steps to add a new Personal Trainer.
- Create all content
- Get headshot and crop / size to 350px by 350px
- Duplicate the page of an existing trainer
- Update all the content on the page (in Beaver Builder)
- Replace existing content
- Replace image and add necessary CSS class name
- Update the WordPress Title and slug.
- Save page, review page and copy page URL
- Add the trainer image to the appropriate Envira Gallery
- Add necessary Title, Caption and page URL
- Test the Personal Trainers page and individual trainer's page
Here is a video that shows how to add a new Trainer.