Madison Whetro

Personal Trainer
B.S. Kinesiology

My job as a personal trainer is to help you discover your goals and use both my knowledge and education to equip you with the tools to help you reach them. My desire to help others reach their goals in their fitness journey led me to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from IUPUI along with a minor in Health Education and certificates in Personal Training and Nutrition.

My love for fitness started as early as 5 when I joined my first basketball team. Growing up I played a multitude of sports including lacrosse, flag football, and was even a unified partner in the Special Olympics. I ended up pursuing basketball with the dream of attending a Division 1 university. Although my dream was within reach, my journey to get there was plagued with injuries. An ACL and meniscus tear, a broken foot, and a severe concussion led me to hang it up.

Through those setbacks, I was able to redefine what fitness looked like in my life. Sure, I was done playing a competitive sport, however, that taught me that fitness is not one specific activity, but rather an activity with many different directions to go.

My years of dedication to sports and fitness have instilled unwavering accountability, a strong work ethic, and the belief that your goals are attainable even if your journey looks different than everyone else’s. My goal is to allow my clients to feel comfortable in the fitness spaces while providing them with an avenue to reach the goals they set forth!

When I am not at the studio you will find me enjoying what downtown Indianapolis has to offer, spending time with my dogs, Bear and Penelope, and attending sporting events.