Are You too Comfortable?

No pain, no gain.  There is some truth to this. Think back to a time when you made a hard decision.  Not necessarily something life changing at the moment, but a choice that took you out of your comfort zone.  It challenged you.  It made you uncomfortable to even think about it; even more so…

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Boosting Testosterone: For Men’s Eyes Only

Over the past five years testosterone has become a buzz word in the medical, health, and fitness industries.  For men, testosterone is very important and the recent message implies every male over the age of 35 now needs to run out to have their “T” levels checked to see if they are low. What is…

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Part 2:  Spartan for a day – Amazing people!

In the most recent column I gave a brief account of my experience in the Spartan Race, making light of some of the things you couldn’t prepare for until you had experienced it.  This time, on a more serious note, I want to share some of the amazing people I had the pleasure to meet…

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Spartan for a Day

A month ago I participated in the Spartan Race.  I had heard a lot about this event which is held across the United States, but it was finally coming to scenic Metamora, IN and I didn’t want to miss out.  So I signed up this past January and began training to play the role of…

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A Program for Introducing Kids to Many Sports and Interests

My wife and I want our kids to be active. We want them to try many activities to find their greatest interests.  And, there aren’t enough seasons to try every sport or academic group, so we must pick one and make them a specialist.  In our search for a solution to this we came found…

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Listen to Your Body When Ramping Back Up

Smell that Spring air?  Getting that urge to fire up your exercise again?  Me too!  Yup, it’s about that time when the weather transitions out of the doldrums of winter and sparks the desire to get outside and get active.  As your activity increased, your body will begin to talk to you and give you important information…

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Finding the Activities your Child Enjoys

My wife and I want our kids to be active. We want them to try many activities to find their greatest interests.  And, there aren’t enough seasons to try every sport or academic group, or we must pick one and make them a specialist.  In our search for a solution to this we found one…

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Busting the Winter Blues

Every year I write on this subject because it’s REAL.  I love Indiana, but this time of year is hard on Hoosiers.  It’s cold…VERY cold.  It’s dark and dreary; and when the sun does shine bright, it’s just a tease because it knows we won’t come out from the warm indoors.  We crave a break…

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Fitness Gift Ideas: 2014

Here are some of my ideas for Fitness Gifts.  Let’s get to it! Head bands – They’re back and not made of terry cloth.  Men and women alike are wearing head bands to manage sweat, stay cool, and look awesome.  The brand I see ladies wearing is Bolder Bands ( and I love the Buff brand…

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I’m Thankful My Body Can…

The human body is an amazing thing.  To imagine the millions of physiological events that are happening right now, just so you can read this sentence, is staggering.  It’s easy to take it for granted.  With this, allow me to highlight a few things by body does for which I am particularly thankful. It responds…

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